
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Groundhog Day Evangelism and Prayer Request

Since returning to Nashville, I have been running nonstop with children's activities and catching up at work.  I do however want to share more about my visit with my grandmother last week.  Because her short term memory is pretty much gone, our conversation the entire week was related to her asking about my children and family. 

There were a few times where the conversation would change.  This is when my evangelism attempt would begin.  Her question usually centered around my marriage.  She asked the question "Are you and your husband sealed for time and all eternity?" in some form.  With this question I explained that no, because it is not biblical and then proceeded to share why it is not biblical and attempted to share the truth about God and Jesus Christ in some form or fashion.  Although my answer changed each time she asked it, the message never did.  It was similar to the movie "Groundhog Day" in that the conversation continued as if it had never happened a few minutes before.

I love my grandmother and am grateful that I had the chance to share the truth about Christ before her memory started to fade.  I am also grateful that God gave me the opportunity to share with her again this past week even if she doesn't remember my visit.  I know that if He chooses, she will remember the pieces of our conversation that He wills and He can save her even with my pathetic attempts to bring her to the true Christ. 

Based on the fact that I believe she will be meeting God soon, I would like to ask for your help in praying that God will work in her life and bring her to a true knowledge Him if He chooses.  Also please pray that she in turn uses the truth to repent of her sins and believe in Jesus Christ and thereby allow His righteousness to fully cleanse her so that when she passes from this Earth, she may go to Heaven to be with God.

Thank you!


Toyin O. said...

Praying for her.

Teri Campbell said...

Thank you!