In the Mormon's plan of salvation after this life ends there are three degrees of glory. That is to say there are three heavens where you will probably end up.
The three heavens are:
The three heavens are:
- The Celestial Kingdom (reserved for Mormons who have met all of the requirements of the temple and have, according to the Doctrine and Covenants, entered into the new and everlasting covenant (polygamy) and paid their "fire insurance" (10% tithing) faithfully, and so on and so on and so on)
- The Terrestial Kingdom (reserved for people who never had a chance to hear about Mormonism... very few people will end up here what with baptisms for the dead and all the missionary work going on in the spirit world before the judgment... more Mormon mythology)
- The Telestial Kingdom (reserved for everyone else... well... except for a select few which will go somewhere worse)
And although many Mormons now believe that there is no hell (an idea that modern Christianity is quickly falling/being deceived into), we were always taught that if we were to leave the Mormon church, then we would be sent to Outer Darkness, a place reserved for Satan and his minions.
However, the final destination will not be known until after the millennium. Until then, Mormons believe that our spirits go to paradise or to spirit prison depending on whether we accepted Mormonism in this life... to be continued